Friday, December 16, 2016
More Chun-Li Commissions
Some Chun-Li pics. I tried something more painterly, with less focus and dependence on the lines. The form came together well, but I need more control of the color and how to tighten the final product. The painting ended up taking much longer and isn't so much better that it's worth the time. I'll try painting more heavily after I've developed it a bit more.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Mei Ling Commission
This commission is Mei Ling from Metal Gear dangling over the Blast Furnace's pooling metal or whatever. I tried some a little more painterly, which seems to have worked out for the most part, but I don't have a quick easy way to polish the painted surfaces, so it ended up taking a bit longer than usual.
First batch of roughs to iron down the customer's ideas and preferences.
Initial rough sketch of the scene.

Some shots of the color being put down, and flipped so I don't go shape blind
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Excellen Browning Commission
Excellen Browning commission, came together rather well, could do with some simplification and more style to combine the hair and eyes with the rest of the picture. Simplification and style would actually help all my works. Towel has a weird texture, I want to start creating custom brushes on the fly to get specific textures, and all in all start texturing more. Skin always ends up a sort of rubbery smooth shape that's not much different from the pillow or bed.
Anyway, those considerations are for the next project.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Chun-Li WIPs
First pass of the roughs to try and better iron down what the commissioner wanted.
After the poses were picked, time to start getting correct perspective, details and the like.
Finished line art, decided to split the picture more concretely to establish it was not actually the same scene with 2 separate characters.
Colors mostly put in, a background roughly put down with some photoshop trickery (no way I was going to manually detail a chain link fence).
I kinda fell short on getting color into the background to integrate the character better. I attempted to fix this in the final by adding some colored lights, but it probably would have benefited from a solid plan beforehand.
Chun-Li Commission
Had a commission, forgot to keep the blog up on it, but here it is. I couldn't decide on which format was better, I leaned more to the second one because it shaves off some unnecessary space and splits the horizon line to push the idea that it's 2 separate scenes, but I also like the height difference from the first one.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Nani Final
I like how this came together, background needs some textures and tightening. I might have to start creating textured brushes for specific results. The refraction was amped a bit, but I think it ties Nani into the background better, keeps her grounded in the picture.
Time to roll into the next project.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Nani WIP Color
Trying to get the overlay and composition set up, colors still need tuning, sky's gonna have some clouds to add to the composition. Before I go ahead on this, I really want to get down the sunlight and fix the perspective on the beach.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Nani WIP
I've always really liked Chris Sanders' work, I think he's got a solid and recognizable style, and I want to try and put some of that into my pic of Nani. I want to put this pic somewhere like the beach, somewhere bright and nice, so we'll see how it goes.
Commissions are Closed
Commissions are currently closed, the waitlist is full and I will be working on that. Comissions will re-open at a later date.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Velma Dinkley
Finished Velma piece, I'm working on these between other projects, so I'm hoping to get more out consistently. I really like how the orange background came out. The picture's not perfect, but all in all I'm pretty proud of it, I'm sure that'll change when I see it again in a few days. I'm gonna probably do more Velma, probably something in her sweater and put into a scene.
I think her skin might be a bit saturated, it's hard to tell against the orange.
I think her skin might be a bit saturated, it's hard to tell against the orange.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Velma Studies
Some rough studies to get a feel for how I want Velma to look, find a good balance of source material and my own judgment.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune complete.
Knocking off some rust for the month's hiatus. The picture finished off well enough, my schedule's still pretty full, but hopefully I'll be continuing to add more work. Once again, I forgot to update my process here with screenshots.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Sailor Uranus and Neptune WIP
I'm not dead, projects sidetracked me, but I'm getting back to work starting with this picture. This is a rough WIP, still much work to go.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Jin and Ursa DnD Commission
I set down a basic layer of color to separate and mask the individual colors or textures. At this stage, the line art is still imperfect, I'm still trying to decide whether or not it's better to do all this or finish the line art first, or ignore the masking and separating colors entirely
The picture is done, seems to have come together well, but I think the gamma on my cintiq is slightly off because my other screen shows more of the dirty details of the wall better, which were supposed to be more subtle, the cintiq shows this, but I'm not sure if that's the cintiq's fault or my other screen's. The background perspective is wonky and a little off, which is what I get for not defining a precise space for the room during the sketch stage
Avatar the Last Airbender,
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Jin and Ursa Avatar Development
Started with a rough, top right is messing around with the idea of a different camera view. I usually choose the same rather boring camera, so I want to start breaking away from that, but apparently not on this one.
Armor and such is starting to go down, line art is messy but starting to become present. The next thing I'm going to do is start putting all the color down, I like having the scheme and lighting in mind when I start trying to make the line art cleaner.
It came together rather well, if I had notes for myself on future works, I have to establish an existing background, a real location and details, the non descript nothing is better than if I'd just left it grey, but it's not enough.
Next up looks like it's going to be Jin and Ursa.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Frederica Sawyer WIP
Had a commission for Frederica Sawyer from Black Lagoon, they had some more specifications and I sent out this as the first bit of roughs. They ended up picking C and I started on from there.
This is it roughly in progress, resolution is probably too low, even for a sample, since it is just a WIP after all, the final should be ready in about a day or 2.
This is it roughly in progress, resolution is probably too low, even for a sample, since it is just a WIP after all, the final should be ready in about a day or 2.
Friday, August 5, 2016
This was a commission for a Zarya waifu pillow.
I really didn't notice I switched the side of the plugs on the thigh armor, also the forehead seems a bit tall on the right... all in all not bad, her suit is a tiny details pain though.
I really didn't notice I switched the side of the plugs on the thigh armor, also the forehead seems a bit tall on the right... all in all not bad, her suit is a tiny details pain though.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
I took a few sketch commissions and decided to put them up. The last one ended up a little muddy, but it was a dark character and I really shouldn't have tried to do that with sloppy cross-hatching.
The textures are a little bad, especially the fabric and hair, probably gotta practice working on textures more.
Princess Daisy,
Princess Peach,
Princess Rosalina
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
The line art is practically done, now it's just a matter of varying the line thickness a bit more to put focus where it should be.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Sometimes just the picking is difficult, so I'll have an idea for a character I might want to do, and then start working around to see if I like them or my work enough to take it further.
I was mulling around with Rem from Re:Zero, still not dropped the idea, but it was proving to be pretty difficult.
Starting to work with the 3 Mario princesses. I like their varied personalities and subtly different design, but still pretty obviously different.
I was mulling around with Rem from Re:Zero, still not dropped the idea, but it was proving to be pretty difficult.
Starting to work with the 3 Mario princesses. I like their varied personalities and subtly different design, but still pretty obviously different.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
This is about what the line art looks like before I start to block in colors. I don't have any shots of it, but when I'm deciding colors I like to use rough fast brushes to get an overall color scheme, make sure it's coordinated enough, before I start to mask in. Once masked though, minor tweaks are easy to make.
And it's finished! The file I use is massively larger than the picture itself, so I tend to just crop for individual use. For sites other than this blog, I use a slightly smaller resolution to make the picture fit within the frame of the site itself better. I've gotta start getting into making sure the ratios aren't different for each picture though, I think it would be better if it was uniform across every site and just the resolution changed.
And it's finished! The file I use is massively larger than the picture itself, so I tend to just crop for individual use. For sites other than this blog, I use a slightly smaller resolution to make the picture fit within the frame of the site itself better. I've gotta start getting into making sure the ratios aren't different for each picture though, I think it would be better if it was uniform across every site and just the resolution changed.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Gogo progress
Just putting down some pictures to show how I end up at a pose to work on.

After the face is good enough, I start working on the body some more, playing around with ideas for poses and just practicing the proportions, seeing what looks good or not.
I ended up really liking the idea behind this pose right here, so I blew it up and started messing with things to get it accurate, I hash all this out before I go into either red-line or finalized line art, depending on how much information is clear by the time this is over. This is where I'm hoping to catch proportion problems and weird stuff, but that never seems to work out.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Teen Titans
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Avatar Ladies
Avatar the Last Airbender,
The Legend of Korra
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Cait and Vi
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